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Instrumentation/Supported Frameworks

Host Metrics #

Available Metrics #

Kamon will automatically detect and start the Process metrics module when it is in your classpath and the following metrics will become available:

Tags included by default:
  • mode: Mode on which CPU usage is being tracked (e.g. user, system, wait, stolen, etc.)

Tags included by default:
  • period: Whether the load average represents a 1m, 5m or 15m period.

Tags included by default:
  • mount: Name of the file system mount being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • mount: Name of the file system mount being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • mount: Name of the file system mount being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • device: Name of the storage device being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • device: Name of the storage device being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • device: Name of the storage device being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • device: Name of the storage device being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • interface: Name of the network interface being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • interface: Name of the network interface being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • interface: Name of the network interface being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • interface: Name of the network interface being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • interface: Name of the network interface being measured.

Tags included by default:
  • interface: Name of the network interface being measured.

Disabling the Module #

This module is enabled by default, but you can explicitly enable/disable it by changing the enabled setting in your application configuration:

kamon.modules {
  host-metrics {
    enabled = no

Kamon will still recognize that the module is available, but will not automatically start it when Kamon.init() or Kamon.loadModules() are called.

Manual Installation #

In case you are not using the Kamon Bundle, add the dependency below to your build (the Process metrics module is distributed as part of the system metrics module).

libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" %% "kamon-system-metrics" % "2.5.9"


implementation 'io.kamon:kamon-system-metrics_2.13:2.5.9'

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