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Instrumentation/Supported Frameworks

Context Propagation #

Besides the metrics recording side of our Akka integration, we also provide bytecode instrumentation that will automatically propagate Kamon’s Context through certain specific events in order to keep the principle of having a single and predictable place to look for the “current” context.

In the examples below we will explore the conditions under which Kamon will automatically propagate the currently available context. Please note that even while in these examples we are explicitly wrapping the code sections with a new Context, it is very unlikely that you will need to do so yourself if you are using other supported toolkits such as Akka HTTP and Play Framework. You will commonly need a context to be present only when the first event is generated and then Kamon will take care of propagating the Context to all related events, under the conditions explained below.

Tell, ! and Forward #

If a Context is available when sending a message to an actor, Kamon will capture that Context and make it available when processing that message in receiving actor, and only when processing that message. This remains true regardless of whether your are doing a regular tell, using the ! operator or forwarding a message to another actor.

  Kamon.storeContextKey(userID, Some("1234")) {
    actor ! "Some Message"
    actor.tell("Some message", someSender)

In this particular case, the two messages will propagate the same Context, since they were originated from a block of code where the same Context is available.

Ask, ? #

When you send a message using the ask pattern the Context is also propagated, but additionally the same Context is also available when executing any callbacks registered in the returned Future.

  val responseFuture = Kamon.storeContextKey(userID, Some("1234")) {
    (actor ? "Ask Message")
      .map { response =>
        // The same Context available when asking
        // the actor is available when executing this callback.
        println("Context in MAP: " + Kamon.currentContext.get(userID))

Pipe Pattern #

When using the pipe pattern, the Context available when the pipe call was made (not when completing the future)is also made available when processing the message in the target actor.

Log Events #

When you are using the logging facilities provided by Akka, Kamon will capture the current Context available when the log statement is executed and make the same Context available when that log event is actually processed by your logger.

Supervision Messages #

When one of your actor fails it is the responsibility of its parent to determine what action to take based on the provided supervision strategy. The failure notification as well as the delivery of the supervision directive to apply happens through system messages that are not directly visible to users and do not use to the same mailbox as the regular messages we send to actors, and Kamon hooks in these internals as well to propagate the Context. It is really important to keep the same Context when this happens, since all possible error messages being logged or any other action taken will be correctly related to the failing request.

Actor Creation #

You might be thinking that actor creation happens in the same thread where the call to ActorRefFactory.actorOf(..) is being made, but that is not necessarily the case. In fact, a Create system message is sent to the newly created actor cell and it might be executed later depending on whether you are creating a top-level actor or not. Kamon also instruments this system message to make sure that if a Context was available when requesting your ActorRefFactory to create an actor, the same Context will be available when that actor is actually created.

Crossing the JVM Borders #

If you are using Akka Remoting or the Akka Cluster, the same rules for Context propagation apply. Kamon will take care of transporting the Context along with the messages going to remote systems.

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