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Instrumentation/Supported Frameworks

Hikari CP Instrumentation #

As part of the JDBC instrumentation, Kamon can automatically gather performance metrics out of Hikari connection pools and use the pool information when creating Spans from Statements execution.

Metrics #

All Hikari connection pools will get the following metrics:

Tags included by default:
  • jdbc.pool.vendor: Name of the connection pool vendor.
  • Name of the connection pool for which the metric is being tracked.
  • db.vendor: Name of the JDBC driver vendor.

Tags included by default:
  • jdbc.pool.vendor: Name of the connection pool vendor.
  • Name of the connection pool for which the metric is being tracked.
  • db.vendor: Name of the JDBC driver vendor.

Tags included by default:
  • jdbc.pool.vendor: Name of the connection pool vendor.
  • Name of the connection pool for which the metric is being tracked.
  • db.vendor: Name of the JDBC driver vendor.

Tags included by default:
  • jdbc.pool.vendor: Name of the connection pool vendor.
  • Name of the connection pool for which the metric is being tracked.
  • db.vendor: Name of the JDBC driver vendor.

Manual Installation #

In case you are not using the Kamon Bundle, add the dependency below to your build:

libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" %% "kamon-jdbc" % "2.5.9"


implementation 'io.kamon:kamon-jdbc_2.13:2.5.9'

You must start your application with the instrumentation agent for this module to work properly.

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