Instrumentation Modules #
All the instrumentation modules are included in the Kamon Bundle so, out of the box, you get instrumentation for
everything below! If you are not using the Kamon Bundle please refer to each module’s Manual Installation section.
Akka instrumentation provides context propagation, metrics and tracing for Akka actors, routers,
dispatchers, actor systems, cluster sharding and remoting components.
Akka HTTP instrumentation provides context propagation, metrics and tracing for both the Client
and Server sides of an Akka HTTP application.
Executors instrumentation provides metrics collection for executor services and wrappers that
enable context propagation to tasks scheduled on them.
Futures instrumentation provide automatic context propagation through Scala, Twitter and Scalaz futures.
- The JDBC instrumentation enables JDBC Statement Tracing and automatic metrics collection
for the HikariCP connection pool.
Logback provides converters that can be used to put Context information in your log patterns and
bytecode instrumentation that propagates the context as expected with using Logback’s AsyncAppender.
- The System Metrics module provides JVM, Process and
Host metrics like garbage collection time, CPU and memory usage and many more!