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Reporters/Span Reporters

Sending Spans to Zipkin #

Zipkin is distributed tracing system. It was originally created at Twitter but currently is run as a completely independent open source project. Most people would recognize Zipkin as the distributed tracing platform since it has a really strong and active community and it is integrated with most major libraries and toolkits on the JVM.

The kamon-zipkin module translates Kamon’s representation of Spans and sends them to Zipkin’s v2 API.

Installation and Startup #

libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" %% "kamon-zipkin" % "1.0.0"


implementation 'io.kamon:kamon-zipkin_2.13:1.0.0'

Once you have the dependency on your classpath, start the reporter:

import kamon.zipkin.ZipkinReporter

Kamon.addReporter(new ZipkinReporter())

That’s it. Go to the Zipkin UI and start browsing your traces.

Configuration #

It couldn’t be simpler. All you need to provide is the host and port where Zipkin is listening.

kamon.zipkin {
  host = "localhost"
  port = 9411

Visualization and Fun #

These are extracted from our Monitoring Akka Quickstart recipe, head over there to learn more about how to get started with Monitoring Akka with Kamon!

Tracer view in Zipkin:

Span details:

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