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Not sure how to approach production monitoring? Book FREE office hours and we'll help you out
Generate Metrics and Traces

Instrument your platform from end to end, automatically

Metrics are great for monitoring. Traces are great for debugging. You need both. Get a ton of insights out of the box with automatic instrumentation, then enrich them with your own tags and custom metrics

Automatic Instrumentation

Get immediate insights into common libraries and frameworks

Understanding how certain frameworks work under the hood can be really challenging, but we already did that for you

Leverage automatic instrumentation to get started, and save your energy for enriching the default integrations

Kamon Telemetry has built-in support for Spring, Play Framework, Akka, and a lot more

Monitor Spring, Play Framework, and Akka Applications with Kamon
Kamon has built-in support for Spring, Akka, Play Framework, and a lot more
Simple Span Tagging

Add your own tags to automatic traces

Adding tags like appVersion, userId, or request-specific data can help you narrow down issues when investigating

Enrich the automatic instrumentation with your own tags and make it easier to troubleshoot issues later

Add tags like requestId and userId to your Spans using Kamon Telemetry
Manual Instrumentation

Get full control over the instrumentation, if you want to

Want to do everything by hand? You got it

Kamon separates the core instrumentation libraries from the automatic instrumentation, so you can use the metrics and tracing APIs alone, and still be able to send data to any vendor

Create Spans programmatically using the Kamon Telemetry tracing APIs
Custom Metrics

Measure the signals and metrics that matter to you

Getting latency and error metrics out of the box is nice, but what about the other things you care about?

Create your own metrics and track anything that is important to monitor your application’s health

Create custom metrics using the Kamon Telemetry metrics API
Correlate Requests

Correlate requests across services and logs

When your logs are flooded with tons of requests, you need a consistent identifier to filter the logs and investigate a single request. Correlate requests with log statements, and across service calls automatically with Kamon

Propagate requestId, traceId and other request data across services and integrated with logs
Context Propagation

Propagate request-specific data across services

If you include tags like userId and requestId in your logs, you probably want those tags to propagate across services

Kamon propagates context tags automatically with its own propagation protocol, and is compatible with W3C Trace Context, B3, and Uber-trace-id

Logging Integration

Correlated your logs with the right request

When you combine asynchronous actions and jump across threads, correlating requests becomes harder than usual

Ensure that log statements are connected to the right traceId and context, regardless of your threading model

Monitor services with Kamon Telemetry and visualize the data in Kamon APM and other tools
Visualize Anywhere you Want

Visualize metrics and traces anywhere you want

Getting metrics and traces out of your services is only half the battle. You still need to send your telemetry data to a tool where you can visualize and analyze it

Awesome with Kamon APM

Use the platform designed for Kamon Telemetry

We created Kamon APM as the perfect tool to visualize the high-fidelity metrics generated with Kamon Telemetry

Don’t waste time setting up your own infrastructure and give Kamon APM a try. You'll thank us later

Kamon Telemetry works perfectly with Kamon APM
Vendor Agnostic

Use any vendor without changing instrumentation

All Kamon instrumentation is independent from the components that send data to external systems

You can send your data to Prometheus, Zipkin, OpenTelemetry-compatible endpoints, and more without changing the instrumentation

Kamon Telemetry can send data to Prometheus, Zipkin, and OpenTelemetry-compatible endpoints